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Travel and Leisure

Kedarkantha Trek – Winter Trek In Uttarakhand, India

The Kedarkantha trek in Uttarakhand, India, is frequently mentioned while discussing winter hikes. Many people have liked and braved this trek. The pure landscapes, virgin snow, and beauty of the peaks that surround this walk make it an experience that many people remember for the rest of their lives.

On Kedarkantha Trek, I’m Getting Lost In The Right Direction

In many respects, the Kedarkantha trip will astound you. Not only is the trail of this hike beautiful, but so is the entire experience.

The Kedarkantha trek is a 6-day journey that begins at 5,600 feet in Gaichawan Gaon and climbs to 12,500 feet at Kedarkantha peak. During the first three days of the walk and on the ascent to the top, there is an altitude increase of approximately 6,50 feet. The journey covers approximately 20 kilometres in total distance.

You don’t usually need many reasons to embark on a journey, but if you’re wondering what makes this walk so unique, here are a few highlights.

360 Degree View

A breath-taking panorama captivates your senses as soon as you enter the trek’s base camp. There are snow-covered peaks all around you, standing magnificently and waiting for you to scale ataşehir escort them.

Untouched Snow!

Winter snowfall begins in early December and lasts until mid-April. Snow is more likely to fall when you approach 10,000 feet. The pure snow, shining like diamonds and scattered throughout the ground, contributes to the beauty of the sceneries. The pine trees are nearly ready for the holidays!


Most travels to a base camp can be demanding and testing, however on the way to the base camp of the Kedarkantha trek, this statement is simply wrong. The journey is believed to be one of the most thrilling in the Himalayas. Before arriving at the base camp, one must pass through Mussoorie, Nowgaon, Purola, and Mori.

The things stated above are only the beginning of the fantastic route that awaiting you.

The Base Camp – Gaichawan Gaon ( 5,600 Ft)

After an 8 to 9 hour journey from Dehradun through gorgeous valleys and forest, you arrive at the trek’s base camp.

Gaichawan Gaon is a rural settlement where the sounds of the Rupin River can be heard. A stroll around the picturesque bylanes of this village will soothe your senses and prepare you for the task ahead of you.

Gaichawan Gaon To Julota (5,600 Feet To 8,950 Feet)

A 5-hour trip that includes an ascent and eventually leads to the destination. The trip takes you through apple orchards and farmland in the village of Altwar. The path from this small village leads into a lightly forested area. You come to a brook that must be crossed as you proceed through the woodland. Julota, the final destination, welcomes you with a pleasant and friendly welcome among its pine and oak trees.

Julota To Pukhrola

Pukhrola, the Kedarkantha base, is reached after a four-hour journey. The trail winds through lush woodlands and meadows. When you arrive in Pukhrola, you can enjoy the lovely scenery. Here, one can sleep under the stars and prepare for the next day.

Pukhrola To Kedarkantha Peak 

This is the final leg of the journey to the summit. The journey takes about 7 to 8 hours and is more difficult than any other day. The ascent is pretty steep here. During the hike, you will view the Dhauladhar range, Chansil Pass, Rupin valley, and Har ki Dun valley. Swargarohini, Bandarpoonch, and Kalanag are also visible.

You soon achieve your peak and may enjoy the results of your labour. You return to Pukhrola after spending some hours at the top.

Also Have a Look on- Brahmatal Trek

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